Pain: Management, Issues and Controversies

copertinaNOVA PAIN2017

Pain: Management, Issues and Controversies

Novità editoriale

Pur senza la pretesa di rispondere a tutte le domande e le controversie (cosa quasi impossibile in quanto il problema della cura del dolore è molto più ampio di quanto siamo abituati a pensare, anche per gli aspetti sociali, comportamentali e biopsicosociali che esso implica), il libro presenta un'ampia panoramica su alcuni problemi riscontrati nel trattamento del dolore, principalmente del dolore cronico non oncologico.

Il libro è destinato soprattutto ai medici e agli specialisti, ma sarà certamente di interesse per gli altri professionisti del settore sanitario che lavorano con pazienti affetti da dolore: psicologi (sia clinici che ricercatori), fisioterapisti, infermieri, operatori sociali e altri. Può anche essere utilizzato per un corso universitario, o per la specializzazione post-laurea.
Gli autori che hanno contribuito alla stesura dei vari capitoli provengono da diverse specialità mediche e tutti sono molto noti per l'impegno scientifico nel campo della gestione del dolore e per la lunga esperienza di pratica clinica, esperienza che hanno messo a disposizione dei lettori.
Considerato che in tutto il mondo non viene utilizzato un approccio coerente nell'assistenza sanitaria e nel trattamento del dolore, e che non tutti i pazienti che necessitano di terapia del dolore vi hanno accesso, è ferma convinzione degli autori che un ruolo significativo deve essere svolto dalla formazione e dallo scambio di informazioni tra specialisti. L'auspicio è quindi che chi leggerà questo libro vorrà partecipare in modo proattivo scrivendo agli autori critiche e suggerimenti.


Part I. General Issues

Chapter 1. The Development of Pain Medicine
(Antonella Paladini and Giustino Varrassi, Department MESVA, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, and others)

Chapter 2. Societal Issues in Pain Medicine
(Norbert van Rooij, Giustino Varrassi and Antonella Paladini, Governmental Affairs and Patient Centricity, Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany, and others)

Chapter 3. Controversies in Pain Theories
(Shelagh Wright, Irish Pain Society, Dublin, Ireland, and others)

Chapter 4. Person-Centered Pain Medicine: Tomorrow's Perspective or Today's Practice?
(Vladimir Romanenko and Yuriy Romanenko, Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, and others)

Chapter 5. Visual Analogue Scale: An Old or New Method?
(Jaroslava Raudenská and Alena Javùrková, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 6. The Role of the Psychiatrist in the Pain Clinic
(Stephen P. Tyrer, Department of Academic Psychiatry, Wolfson Research Centre, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle University, UK, and others)

Chapter 7. Patient Compliance and Involvement in Adherence to Pain Therapy
(Jaroslava Raudenská and Alena Javùrková, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 8. Chronic Non-Cancer Pain, Cognitive Factors and Cognitive Impairment
(Jaroslava Raudenská and Alena Javùrková, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 9. Peripheral and Central Presentation of Neuropathic Pain
(Paolo Marchettini and Angelo Compare, Pain Pathophysiology and Therapy, University of Southern Switzerland, Manno, Switzerland, and others)

Part II. Issues and Controversies in Pharmacological Treatment

Chapter 10. Controversies in Acute Pain Management
(Alvise Martini, Vittorio Schweiger, Massimo Parolini, Antonella Paladini, Alessandro Rizzardo and Enrico Polati, Department of Surgical Science, Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, University of Verona and AOUI-Verona, Verona, Italy, and others)

Chapter 11. Controversies Concerning Botulinum Toxin
(Marcela Lippert-Grüner, Stephan Grüner, Kamila Rasova and Axel Schulz, Charles University in Prague, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 12. Cognition, Dependence and Opioids in Patients with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
(Alena Javùrková and Jaroslava Raudenská, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 13. The Relation between Cognition and Opioids in Chronic Cancer and Non-Cancer Pain
(Alena Javùrková and Jaroslava Raudenská, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Part III. Issues and Controversies in Non-Pharmacological Treatment

Chapter 14. Waves of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Pain
(Jaroslava Raudenská and Alena Javùrková, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 15. Controversies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Chronic Pain
(Shelagh Wright, Irish Pain Society, Dublin, Ireland, and others)

Chapter 16. Complementary and Alternative Medical Approaches in Chronic Pain Treatment
(Hana Neudertová, Department of Clinical Psychology, University Hospital Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 17. Selected Ethical Issues of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Management
(Jaroslava Raudenská and Alena Javùrková, Department of Nursing, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and others)

Chapter 18. Pain in the Elderly Population with Cognitive Impairment
(Luca Cravello, Antonella Paladini and Giustino Varrassi, Regional Center for Alzheimer Disease, "G. Casati" Hospital, ASST Rhodense, Milan, Italy, and others)

Chapter 19. Non-Pharmacological and Invasive Pain Management
(Vittorio Schweiger, Alvise Martini, Antonella Paladini and Enrico Polati, Department of Emergency and Pain Management, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, and others)

Chapter 20. Palliative Pain Management at the End of a Patient's Life
(Eberhard Albert Lux, St. Marien-Hospital Clinic for Pain and Palliative Medicine, Luenen, Germany)

Informazioni tecniche:
Pain: Management, Issues and Controversies
a cura di Jaroslava Raudenská, Alena Javùrková e Giustino Varrassi
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge (NY). USA -
Prezzo online 207,00 US$
ISBN: 978-1-53612-202-2
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28 agosto 2017

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