Tunneled Fascia Iliaca Catheter Placement for Chronic Pain From Advanced Osteosarcoma

The fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) is a regional anesthetic technique for hip and femoral surgery that blocks the femoral, obturator, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves. We report the case of a middle-aged female patient who presented with excruciating left lower extremity pain secondary to metastatic left femur osteosarcoma. A FICB with the tunneled catheter was sterilely placed in the operating room as palliative therapy due to the difficulty in pain control, as the patient experienced severe somnolence with high-dose opioid therapy. Conventional techniques such as a femoral nerve block were also precluded due to difficult anatomy secondary to tumor compression. Near-total pain relief was achieved postoperatively and lasted over seven weeks until discharge. This case report demonstrates the unique use of the FICB as a primary pain management technique for the control of chronic lower extremity cancer pain.

Kuo W J, Shirvani B S, Guthmiller K, Varrassi G, et al. (March 21, 2023) Tunneled Fascia Iliaca Catheter Placement for Chronic Pain From Advanced Osteosarcoma. Cureus 15(3): e36475. doi:10.7759/cureus.36475


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