Pain Therapy

quadrottoEULAPcourse zurich2017 light

Pain Therapy
A Multidisciplinary Pain Course

September 11-14, 2017
Zürich, Switzerland

The European League Against Pain EULAP invites you to attend an interdisciplinary pain course in English in the beautiful city of Zürich, Switzerland.

A team of pain specialists including Anaesthesiologists, Neurologists, Rheumatologists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Lawyers and others lecture on different aspects of pain.
You will learn to understand chronic pain, to develop management strategies, thus to improve patient's therapy.

Scientific Director Prof. Eli Alon

Inscription and information:
Number of participants is limited.

NB: La data è cambiata: dall'11 al 14 settembre 2017, non più dal 12 al 15 settembre 


Fondazione Paolo Procacci onlus

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